About Montessori

Dr. Maria Montessori (1870 – 1952) was an Italian physician and anthropologist whose interest in human development led to the evolution of an educational approach that is widely acknowledged for its scientific basis. Developed through years of careful observation of children, Montessori education supports and nurtures children’s natural development.

Montessori education is based on self-directed activity and hands-on learning. In classrooms richly equipped to meet developmental needs, children are guided by trained teachers to explore, discover, and learn. The Montessori approach leads to deep understanding of academic subjects, highly developed social and executive function skills, and a lifelong love of learning. It fosters innovative thinking, creative problem-solving, teamwork and collaboration, and peaceful conflict resolution.

Research in neuroscience and child development validates Dr. Montessori’s discoveries. Recent studies also show that Montessori levels the playing field for low-income children, narrows the income achievement gap, and leads to increased wellbeing in adulthood.

About AMI

A dedicated humanitarian, Dr. Montessori was nominated three times for the Nobel Peace Prize for her work to create a more peaceful world. She founded the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI) in 1929 to preserve the integrity and authenticity of her work. AMI continues to maintain the highest standard of quality for Montessori schools and teacher training. Through its affiliated societies, training centers, and members all over the world, AMI works for peace, education, social justice, and the rights of the child.

Her legacy, our lineage!

This 'tree' illustrates how Montessori's ideas have taken root and nurtured countless extraordinary individuals. At the top of this tree stand the Directors of Training at MINT. By tracing our lineage, we can see the direct connection from Montessori herself to our organization.

Maria Montessori founded AMI to protect the integrity of her work, and as an AMI Training Center we take pride in carrying on her legacy!