The Transformative Power of Family Connection

by Esraa Haidar


Relationships, like anything else in this world, require a conscious effort in order for them to succeed and the relationship we have with our children is no different. A few months into the pandemic I began noticing that even though I was physically with my children all the time, it felt like I was spending less and less quality time with them. Everything seemed to be rushed, and at the end of each day, I would find myself asking “where did the time go?”

But how do you foster deeper and more meaningful relationships with your children? They are your children; shouldn't that just happen naturally? The truth is that in the midst of the chaos it is sometimes difficult to see the obvious which is that our lives, our homes, our routines, and the dynamics of our relationships have all changed and with all that change, something from our end must change as well. It requires that we become more aware of ourselves before anything else. We must reflect on our days and how they are spent, and we must decide what matters to us the most. The happiness and well-being of our families during this period depends on our being cognizant of the changes we have to make in order to be more present with our children, and then we must try our best to make those changes.

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There is joy in being present with your little ones, in playing a game together, in singing in the kitchen, in reading a book, and baking cookies. There is peace in slowing down, in putting away the phone, in taking a walk, and having a meal together. Children appreciate these moments and 10-15 minutes of meaningful moments throughout the day are worth hours of our distracted presence.

The pandemic has given us an opportunity to see our children through a new lens, a lens that gives us a closer and deeper look of who they really are.  It has also tested our abilities to parent and at times it may seem that it has pushed us to our limits.

But with each day comes an opportunity to do better than the day before, to find the time, and to try again. Children, unlike adults, savor each moment, they enjoy the tiniest little things that we take for granted and they are constantly amazed by the world around them. They are the ones living in the moment waiting for us to join in.

So much of what is happening is out of our control, but our time with our children is something we can control, and how we choose to spend our time has the power to transform our days, weeks, and our months into moments of joy and meaning. It’s a simple truth that I find myself sometimes forgetting and so I have made it a point that each morning I make a promise to myself to do my best to actively dedicate time towards being present with my children regardless of how little that time is, because little by little, a little becomes a lot.

© 2021 Esraa Haidar

Esraa Haidar

Esraa is a MINT graduate, a mom of 2, and a lover of all things Montessori and nature. Esraa is the Academic and Communication Director at Wisdom Academy, a Montessori school based in Dallas. When she is not learning with her children in their home environment, she is exploring new ways of making Montessori education accessible to all. Esraa is AMI-trained in the Montessori method for children ages 3-6 and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in education with specialization in gifted and talented education. 


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