The Garden

Join our community of monthly donors to change the world one child at a time.

The Gardeners

The Gardeners are a passionate and determined group of monthly givers on a mission to better the lives of all children through AMI accredited teacher training programs and to expand the awareness of Montessori principles in society. These monthly donors are people like you, from around the world, giving anything they can to accomplish our mission, together.

Making a Difference

Every donation, no matter how small, will be used to support and expand our transformational teacher training programs.

Bringing Equity to Education

You are helping train more Montessori teachers for more classrooms – and that means a great education and a good start in life for more children!


Each month MINT uses your donations for scholarships, operating costs, and our beautiful materials. If there’s one thing we’ve learned from these difficult times, it’s that nothing is impossible when we work together. The Gardeners’ community is helping train more Montessori teachers for more classrooms – and that means a great education and a good start in life for more children!

Here’s what you can expect when you join.


The Monthly Donors will receive the benefit of 20% off all Montessori Conversations.

You will receive a special email, each month, with your application for the upcoming Montessori Conversations. All you need to do is use that special application to sign-up with your discounted registration.


What else can we give?

  • donor brunch

  • branded canvas bag

  • branded debossed journal

  • name in a raffle for a yearly course give-away

  • high quality pen - branded

  • branded hydro-flask giveaway at brunch


These benefits are not transferrable and not redeemable for cash.


Did you know that Montessori not just a method of education? Montessori is a world-wide movement for peace, social justice, and the rights of children everywhere!


You belong here.

The Garden community is composed of giving, dedicated, and sincere people—like you. They’re already changing the world one child at a time. And you’re going to fit right in.


Our Monthly eNews is sent via email at the beginning of each month to update you on our progress as well as give you the information and inspiration you need.