Virginia Viscovic, M.A., AMI 6-12 Trainer

 Virginia Viscovic holds AMI diplomas at both the Primary and Elementary levels and is an AMI Consultant, Examiner, and Trainer for 6-12. She is also trained in Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Levels I and II and is a Montessori coach. Virginia has a B.A. in Anthropology and an M.A. in Education/Child and Family Studies from SUNY Stony Brook in New York. She has a wide range of school experience including more than twenty years in the classroom with corporate, private, and public-school programs. While she has served in school administration as well as on the boards of Montessori schools, Virginia is most passionate about working with children (in a classroom) and adults (in training and after) and is currently directing a Lower Elementary class in Washington, D.C.  She enjoys cooking and crafting, she is a professional cake decorator, and she loves traveling with her partner, Christopher.